Edwards Cohen represents business entities from formation through fundamental changes such as mergers, acquisitions, and disposition of assets. In addition, we have an active practice in day-to-day business matters such as contract negotiations, acquisition of assets, joint development projects, marketing arrangements and protection of intellectual property.
Entity Formation
We advise our clients on the relative advantages and disadvantages of the entities that may be used to conduct business in Florida and the nation. Our goal is to help our clients create the right entity for their specific needs. In connection with our clients’ own tax and business advisors, or in collaboration with tax counsel and other experts selected by our firm, we address all aspects of the formation of new business entities. We pay special attention to providing our clients with owner protection and flexibility as their needs change.
Mergers and Acquisitions
We represent buyers and sellers of businesses and business units in industries as diverse as public utilities, hospitality and logistics. In addition, we provide value-added representation for the enterprise activities of our governmental clients by drawing upon the knowledge and skills we apply to our corporate clients.
Joint Ventures
Diverse business groups often come together for a variety of transaction and enterprise activities. We assist these constituent parties in creating new entities to undertake specific business opportunities.
Not-for-Profit Corporations
We form and provide on-going representation for not-for-profit clients. Our representation focuses on asset acquisition and disposition, and financing.